Download/Upload Speed

Thinking of moving to this vps from another, but I'm curious as to the download/upload speed of a Linode Tier 1 VPS. Can anyone provide the information? Thank you.

6 Replies

Outbound traffic is limited to 35 Mbps by default, but it's only there as an emergency brake. You can file a support ticket and ask for it to be raised if you need it, but you probably shouldn't. After all, even at 35 Mbps, you'd burn through 200 GB of bandwidth in like 13 hours.

Aside from that, there aren't really any limits. Linode has high-end servers in professional data centers, so they've got great connections. See the download speed test thread for files you can download to test your connectivity to the different data centers.

Edit: See the others' posts below – it's actually 50 Mbps now. With that, you can burn through 200 GB of bandwidth in 9 hours. Yay! :P


Outbound traffic is limited to 35 Mbps by default, but it's only there as an emergency brake.

i'm pretty sure they just bumped that to 50Mbps. i was looking at where it was announced, but i can't seem to find it though.


i'm pretty sure they just bumped that to 50Mbps. i was looking at where it was announced, but i can't seem to find it though.

Oh, right. I heard that once on IRC (maybe from you?) but I forgot it.



Outbound traffic is limited to 35 Mbps by default, but it's only there as an emergency brake.

i'm pretty sure they just bumped that to 50Mbps. i was looking at where it was announced, but i can't seem to find it though.

It was on twitter.


It was on twitter.

Ah, good catch. Thanks. I'll try not to forget it again, then. :)

Here is what I get to my linode in Dallas from Kansas City.

~~![](<URL url=) … edtest.png">" />

I say its fast for w/o you need it for :D~~


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