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Best practices and more on open source databases running on your Linode, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, Apache Cassandra, and CouchDB.

Using Redis for Client-Side Caching

w to use Redis for server-assisted client-side caching.

Configure PostgreSQL

This guide will show you how to tune PostgreSQL for better performance on your Linode

An Introduction to PostgreSQL

This guide introduces the PostgreSQL database, outlining how it is different from other SQL databases like MySQL, and describes its benefits.

How To Build Database Clusters with MongoDB

is guide provides you with instructions for installing, configuring, and scaling the MongoDB database for use in clustered environments on the Linux OS.

What Is MongoDB and Why Use It?

This article introduces MongoDB, explains how it differs from other SQL databases, and provides some use cases.
Getting Started

Get Started with Managed Databases

Linode’s Managed Database service is a convenient and reliable way to host your database workloads in the cloud.

Migrate a MySQL or MariaDB Database to a Managed Database

This guide covers how to migrate an existing MySQL or MariaDB database to a Managed Database.
Choosing a Database: MySQL or PostgreSQL

Choosing a Database: MySQL or PostgreSQL

To help you choose between MySQL and PostgreSQL, we take a closer look at the optimized tasks for each database.

Installing and Configuring MySQL on Ubuntu 20.04


How to Install and Configure a Redis Cluster

This guide aims to create a cluster using three Linodes to demonstrate sharding. Then, you will promote a slave to a master - insurance, in the event of a failure.