Deletion of Servers with Backups

One of my concerns with Linode is that it seems almost too easy to remove a server. If I have a server that I have enabled backups on, and someone accidentally deletes my server (i.e., perhaps thinking it was a different one), are the backups gone, too? Or can I still access them somehow after the server is deleted?

Is there any other way to prevent accidental deletion of important nodes?

3 Replies

We keep images of recently deleted Linodes around for a reasonable amount of time (enough time that you'd surely realize what happened before it couldn't be rescued) to account for accidental deletions.

EDIT: As pointed out, "enough time that you'd surely realize what happened before it couldn't be rescued" is a subjective statement, but I'm speaking quite generally. We, of course, can't and shouldn't store images of recently deleted Linodes for years, for example.

This question has been answered with more details in the following post.


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