Let's create an open source Handbook for Linode

Hi everyone. I am new on managing a VPS and I admit that I spent weeks on reading guides and tutorials. A few out of date or using different ways to achieve the same thing.

I've started collecting some of those information in a Github as open source and I make a call to other (more experience or not) users to contribute on the repository with their own ideas.

I have also created a Slack team for discussion.

The link to Github: ~~[https://github.com/ventouris/How-to-manage-a-VPS---The-Linode-Handbook" target="_blank">](https://github.com/ventouris/How-to-man … e-Handbook">https://github.com/ventouris/How-to-manage-a-VPS---The-Linode-Handbook](

3 Replies

That's pretty much what the Linode guides are there for, and they are also in an open-source GitHub repo: https://github.com/linode/docs

Furthermore, if you find problems or discrepancies and submit them as PR's, we're willing to pay you! Currently $250 for a new guide. We haven't yet locked in a scale for updates, but I suppose any monies is more than no monies making your own repo, right?

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The license must allow modifications and derived works, and must allow them to be distributed under the same terms as the license of the original software.

Instead of creating a guide, create your own virtual hosting software: https://www.aetolos.gr

Maybe I'll write a guide for that, since its missing official documentation anyway…


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