Avoid "Update Mozilla certificate authority"?

When I build an image using Debian 8.1 and then log in as root and run the command "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y", I run into the the following prompt:

ca-certificates (…) stable; urgency=medium

Update Mozilla certificate authority bundle to version 2.6.

The following certificate authorities were added (+):


I always have to sit and wait for this screen so that I can hit "q to quit". Is there any way to run the update so that I can avoid having to reply to this prompt? I'd like to be able to build the image automatically without any input from myself.


3 Replies

Maybe you have apt-listchanger installed? If so, you can remove it, or you can remove its automatic execution from /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/

If that output is not from apt-listchanges then it must be something else which may be possible to disable in the same conf directory.

I know the screen you are talking about. I am not sure this will catch it. It should basically turn your upgrade into a silent upgrade and ask no questions at all. Including the ncurses dialogs.

DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update -y -q && apt-get -y -q upgrade


I know the screen you are talking about. I am not sure this will catch it. It should basically turn your upgrade into a silent upgrade and ask no questions at all. Including the ncurses dialogs.

DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update -y -q && apt-get -y -q upgrade

This worked. Thanks jeremye77!


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