Need StackScripts clarification from the Migrate from shared hosting documentation

I'm coming over from Dreamhost so there is a large learning curve here. I'm currently going through the 'Migrate from shared hosting to linode' documentation found at ~~[" target="_blank">]( … to-linode/">]( and I've ran into a bit of confusion regarding StackScripts.

My understanding of StackScripts is that they can only be used at the time of spinning up a new image and that it would essentially wipe out the image. So anytime I use a StackScript I am essentially getting a new virtual server running.

Step 8. Install Additional Software in the documentation after verifying the IP address pulls up the Apache page seems to indicate that I can use StackScripts to add additional software to my existing install.

Can StackScripts be used to install additional software or does a StackScript involve setting up a new image?

4 Replies

The short answer is no. To clarify, if you know ahead of time the type of stack you need, and there's a StackScript for it or you'd like to make one, do so before deployment.

I'll look into clarifying that in the guide. Thanks for the heads up!

Thanks, that makes sense. That's how I thought I was understanding it the first time. I did use a StackScript for a LAMP Stack on an Ubuntu 14.04 install so anything else I will just have to install and configure without a StackScript.

For what it's worth, you can always dissect sections of StackScripts and run them yourself at any time. I am not suggesting or endorsing that idea, and there may be unpredicted results, just putting it out there.

There is also an "include" facility which allows you to use a stackscript from another stackscript.

So if you see two different stackscript that you would like to use, and they are compatible, you can write a stackscript including both.


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