Sending emails from alternate webservice


So I've come across a few guides for this (notably … or-ubuntu/"> and … p-debian7/"> I'm hoping to be able to have a few select people be able to send emails as from their regular email accounts (for example like gmail aliases does). Speaking of which, everyone is using gmail I believe, so if there's a generalization for that it works fine for me.

However I'm not 100% certain that the linked guides accomplish this task, and if they do; I'm not particularly comfortable asking everyone for their passwords just to make this work.

If this isn't what I'm looking for, could someone point me in the right direction?

Many thanks,


2 Replies

I've setup something similar. In gmail, it is possible to enter extra email addresses and their corresponding credentials and the user may then use those extra email addresses from within gmail. Gmail will download emails via POP3 and also send emails via the SMTP of your server, so DKIM/SPF/DMARC will all work without changes.

I can't remember the exact config option in gmail, I don't use gmail myself but I'm sure if you look around you'll find how to add extra email addresses.

If you are delivering via gmail, you should be able to define per-account identities in gmail and then they would be allowed as envelope sender after SMTP authentication. However, SMTP via gmail is a really terrible way to deliver, since it has rate controls and can decide to start rejecting mail from you at any time.


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