No sign of my Linode or account on the site


I placed an order for my Linode about three hours ago, but I have received no word on the status of it since my payment receipt. I have received a couple of e-mails telling me that I can login to the members area on the site to check/modify information regarding my account, but am unable to login with the details I signed up with.

When trying to recover a password, it gives me an error saything that it can not find any information about my account.

Has my order been lost in the system?

My invoice is #17407, and my receipt is #14803.

Thank in advance for the information!

7 Replies

Be patient, it seems caker has gotten quite a few signups today. I'm sure he'll get to all of them as soon as possible.


Be patient, it seems caker has gotten quite a few signups today. I'm sure he'll get to all of them as soon as possible.

I'm quite patient. It's not the the time that I'm worried about, it's that I haven't heard back and can't login to the site after numerous e-mails have said that I should be able to.

I understand that accounts can take some time to set up, and that doesn't bother me a bit. I was just wanting to make sure it wasn't lost.

Thanks, though.

In that case… no, it's not forgotten. It's just that part of the process is automated. The final account creation isn't automated due to fraud issues in the past. So basically, you're all set, you are just waiting on caker to do that final step.

Caker activates them all manually … keeps out the black hats.

You aren't wearing a black hat, are you :twisted:


Caker activates them all manually … keeps out the black hats.

You aren't wearing a black hat, are you :twisted:

Haha, of course not.

I'm just hoping I'll get it by tonight, now. :)

All new signups have been activated. I apologize for the delay.

Thanks, and welcome to :)



All new signups have been activated. I apologize for the delay.

Thanks, and welcome to :)


No worries, and thank you very much. :D


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