Qmail error

> Connected to but greeting failed.

Remote host said: 550 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked using blackholes.five-ten-sg.com; added 2003-06-28; called theplanet +1-214-782-7802 - told them about the SBL and SPEWS listings

I'm not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too long.

any solution?

1 Reply

Someone running an anti-spam blackhole list got tired of seeing spam issues from The Planet (whom is Linode's upstream ISP) that weren't effectively handled… so they basically put The Planet network blocks in the RBL listing.

Unfortunately, it also affects downstream customers (such as yourself and other Linode customers). The only way to get RBL people to remove the listing is to have The Planet abuse people contact the RBL maintainers and work out a mutually accepted solution.

I'd suggest opening a support ticket and see if caker might be amenable to escalating this issue to The Planet abuse department on your behalf? (Probably has to happen that way because only Linode Inc has a direct customer relationship with The Planet.)


Be sure to mention the above URL in the ticket so that if caker agrees to escalate it further, he can give it to The Planet. If not… well… guess got to try and see what happens. :)

In the meantime, if you know the people who run the mail server you were trying to send e-mail to, you could ask they add a whitelisting for your IP to avoid being blocked despite a blackhole in place for the rest of The Planet networks.

Might have to call the mail admin of the remote mail server or send the email (requesting whitelisting) from a non-Linode-based machine.


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