Little/No Peformance?


I bought linode node recently and continue to understand that all this thing is a joke.

First - there's no performance at all. Mysql runs simple, time tested queries on time tested tables much longer than it's realy conforming. I now realize, that you CANNOT put 24 distros on one computer on simple P4HP and yield any computing performance. Can't you understand, people, that operating system which is up, runs thousand of proceses which need to be handled by processor and it's just an overkill to have som many on one computer =)

My hello page - which is just a silly php script to ouput the text forms in 2,5s and reaches me in some 10s

That's really ugly and I wonder why you guys don't complain about that.

4 Replies

Mainly, we don't complain because we realize that we're renting a virtual shared server, and don't expect the same performance of a full server. This is pointed out to you on the Linode Plan Matrix page. Specifically, look for the CMR entry - which stands for "Committed Megahertz Rate". As explained in the footnotes, this is the minimum guaranteed processing power you get, and although it does say it's "burstable to 100% of the host's CPU", this scenario is less likely to happen.

Check out one of the websites I host for a friend on my Linode 128:

The front page served is a PHP script, and besides from Apache2 and ProFTPd, this Linode also runs BIND (for secondary DNS), MySQL, Postfix (virtual mail user table is in MySQL), amavis+clam (for virus-scanning incoming mail) and a Perl-based IRC bot on 8 different networks.

I haven't noticed any serious lagging as of yet, and the information services on the bots are responding quite fast (even though one of them needs to collect information from two Shoutcast instances on a different TX-based server).

Additionally, the above page ( reaches me in less than 10s, including all graphics, and I'm physically located in Norway.


My hello page - which is just a silly php script to ouput the text forms in 2,5s and reaches me in some 10s

That's really ugly and I wonder why you guys don't complain about that.

You should start pointing that finger back at yourself, bro.

I run a full phpbb forum on my node, and it loads in <1 sec. Most likely, you have started swap-thrashing and have hit the IO-limiter. Make sure mysql isn't caching a lot, and that you don't have way too many services running.

You just can't click-and-go here, because you have limited parameters. You have to tweak it out and set it up.

This is really about being a responsible system administrator. A responsible administrator knows how to tune the services he runs on his system so that the lusers of those services get the most out of them, while at the same time one particular service doesn't eat the resources of another. However, on a Virtual Private Server (such as a Linode account) being responsible means that everyone else on your host will benefit. Consider it quid pro quo, if you learn to properly administer your system (and tune your services) you'll have more resources at your disposal, while at the same time ease the load on the host helping those around you. Hopefully the goodwill you show your fellow hostmates they'll return the same goodwill. Mutual respect.

That being said these types of comments show that you haven't sought the answers to fixing the problems, a good starting point is here:

My curve and surface fitting web site,, seems to get good performance. Fitting 5,000 3D data points to over 20,000 surface equations - which the site will do - eats up some CPU time. When I first got a Linode I thought performance was terrible, but it seems the scarcest resource is hard disk I/O and not CPU cycles. Once I understood how the Linodes work, I had no problem getting the site running well.



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