Anybody can help with complete command list for installing wordpress

Anybody can help with complete command list for installing word press. I am new to Linux would like to have complete list from setting up word press.

One more question, currently, I have 2 linodes with different sites hosted.
My question is, if i want to add one more linode, should i install wordpress again?
finally, is it possible to move all the sites to one linode? I mean with any Lish commnads or otherway rather uploding through ftp.

Sorry for my dumb questions.

3 Replies

Being new to Linux I would recommend trying an automated method first. Setting up WordPress on a bare-bones Linux system is a complex endeavor, and a complete installation method wouldn't be a concise set of simple commands you would run.

You can try out the the existing StackScripts for WordPress on your Linode instance first (though be warned that since they're community developed, they may require further configuration if they haven't been updated/checked in awhile by the respective authors):

If you'd still like to continue with a manual installation, the main WordPress site has some very detailed documentation on installing WordPress in a variety of ways, in addition to the low-level bash and MySQL commands you would use. There's also some information you'll need outside of that for populating the various config files, such as your domain name.

Generally speaking this would be the method (adding in some that I use):

#Download the core WordPress package
#Expand it in the current directory
tar -xzvf latest.tar.gz 
#Install the necessary software components
yum install nginx mariadb-server mariadb-client php56u-fpm php56u-mysqlnd php56u-gd php56u-devel php56u-pdo php56u php56u-mbstring -y
#Start and enable MySQL and PHP to run on boot.
systemctl start mysql
systemctl enable mysql
systemctl start php-fpm
systemctl enable php-fpm

Then for setting up the database, you would interface with the running MySQL server through the MySQL client and follow the instructions here:

Configure the wp-config.php file in the WordPress directory:

Set up the nginx Vhost file. Here's an example I found on Github that will require some modification:

Finally enable and start nginx:

systemctl start nginx
systemctl enable enable

To your other questions,

My question is, if i want to add one more linode, should i install wordpress again?

If you want a WordPress site hosted on each Linode, then sure. But nothing is stopping you from running multiple WordPress sites on one Linode instance.

finally, is it possible to move all the sites to one linode? I mean with any Lish commnads or otherway rather uploding through ftp.

Yup, but not with Lish. It would be through SFTP or SCP. However you want to place the files on the Linode instance is up to you, you have full control of the Linux OS running on your Linode instance.

Lastly if you'd like to consider expert assistance with this task you could hire the Linode Professional Services team, of which I'm a member. We can be reached by hitting the "Get a Quote" button here:


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