Can you set up mod_rewrite for wildcard domains in Apache?

Linode Staff

What's the best way to set up a rewrite to change a subdomain, such as into a page such as

3 Replies

I'm by no means an expert, but following the official Apache mod_rewrite documentation and examples, it looks like you can accomplish this in one of two ways:

With mod_rewrite:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule "^(.*)" "$1" [R,L]

Or with RedirectMatch:

RedirectMatch "^(.*)" "$1"

It may be there's some additional nuances in a specific case that would require different rules or syntax, so I'd recommend reviewing the official documentation when writing any mod_rewrite rules or conditions.

Tried that Woet.
MJones, the problem is I would like to reuse the unknown subdomain. ^(.*) in the rewrite of the destination URl. I will at least start with your example, because even a basic redirect isn't working at this point, then go from there. thank you.


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