Cpanel / Cyberduck Authentication Errors

Linode Staff

Hello, I am trying to access our Cpanel through cyber duck but get this message:

Exhausted available authentication methods. Please contact your web hosting service provider for assistance. Please contact your web hosting service provider for assistance.

Could you help me resolve this and how to access our server through cyber duck or elsewhere? Thanks you!

1 Reply

This appears to be a relatively common issue acknowledged by Cyberduck that relates to your SSH credentials. Here are the tickets they address this issue in to best assist you in identifying what troubleshooting steps need to be taken to resume the authentication process:

These seem to imply that your SSH configuration needs to be adjusted for the host you are trying to authenticate from. You can learn more about OpenSSH and Cyberduck interoperability in their guide here:

If you are unable to access your server over SSH, you can use the Lish console to gain access:

As a last resort, if you need full access to your server, you can reset the root password here:


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