Dashboard automatically logs me out, then it says access violation.

The dashboard logs me out very frequently within seconds. And whenever I try to boot my linode it logs me out.

I have tried clearing cookies, tried with mozilla firefox, google chrome, even with microsoft edge and internet explorer problem remains the same it just logs me out then says some CSRF access violation.

I also tried with different internet connections.

Urgent help needed.

1 Reply

Hey there, thanks for reaching out to us on this.

If you can, please open up a support ticket so that we can take a closer look at what's going on.

If CSRF triggering is preventing you from opening a ticket, please send an email to support@linode.com and include the last six (6) digits of the payment card you have on file or give us a call at 855-4-LINODE (855-454-6633) or internationally at +1 609-380-7100 and we'll be able to help you out from there.


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