Convert ext3 boot filesystem to ext4

I use dropbox on linode as an easy way to deploy code / monitor logs from my laptop. I received a notification that starting in November only ext4 filesystems will be supported on linux. Grumble! The service has been useful and I'd like to continue using it.

I found this howto.

I looks pretty straightforward. My question is on step 3. Does my linode use grub? How can I tell?

Step 3: Re-installing GRUB
If you convert your boot file-system ("/boot") to ext4, and you use the GRUB boot loader, you will need to install a version of GRUB which understands ext4. Your system may boot OK the first time, but when your kernel is upgraded, it will become un-bootable.

2 Replies

You're only using GRUB to boot that you'd have control over if you're using Direct Disk Boot; if you're using "GRUB" as your configuration profile "kernel," that is provided by Linode, and understands ext4 already. But unless you're running a really ancient distro (think Ubuntu 8.10 or older), even if you are using Direct Disk Boot, the version of GRUB installed is going to be new enough to understand ext4.

Thank you so much for this information! I just upgraded to Ubuntu 16.04.5. I take this as good evidence that I can skip this step which is what my gut was telling me. But does not hurt to measure twice cut once where system booting is concerned.

Thanks and Best Regards,


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