How do I fix port 80 issue when updating to debian 8 jessie

Hi all,
I've got a drupal 7 website living on debian 7 wheezy. When I updated the sever to debian 8, jessie -- it worked, however I got an issue…my site didn't show up…instead I got a blank screen with something about port 80 and a list of my directories…

Have any of you encountered this before? If so how did you resolve it?


3 Replies

It sounds like the Apache configuration may be referencing a directory that moved during the upgrade. I'd recommend checking the Apache error log in /var/log/apache2 to see if there's a specific location mentioned. From there, double check the location of your site's files, then check the Apache configuration and virtual hosts in /etc/apache2/ to make sure everything matches up.

Thanks! I'll give it a try.


The main culprit was when migrating to Jessie (from wheezy -- both are Debian), apache2 updates from Apache 2.2 to Apache 2.4 … the files associated with Apache therefore need to be updated, mainly their file name needs to be changed to .conf…

more info here…

and a little reference to Apache files if someone needs it…

thank you!


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