Migrating a site from one Linode to another Linode

I have set up a second Linode with my revamped website on it. This feels like a silly question, but when I'm ready for my domain to point to the new Linode, I assume that I just need to edit the A/AAAA Records. Is this correct?

Edit: I wasn't sure whether I needed to remove the current A records and create new ones or if I could just edit the existing ones. After I posted this, I found the answer in the Documentation.

2 Replies


Glad you hear you found the answer in our Docs. Another way to do this, to avoid DNS propagation times, is to completely clone the Linode and then swap the IP addresses. This of course depends on the complexity of your networking configuration. But for a simple website, it should work. You can follow our guide here:



Let us know if anything else comes up.

Linode Support Team

Thanks, Preston. I wish I'd read those last night.

Any idea why mydomain.com has fully propagated but www.mydomain.com hasn't? I was wondering whether that's just the nature of DNS propagation - or if it's a sign that I mis-configured something in the DNS Manager.


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