Anyone running Nagios

Is anyone running a Nagios instance on their linode that would be willing to monitor a few services on another linode? I can't really have it monitor itself :> I am only looking to check a few services on a fairly long interval.

5 Replies

I'm currenty using mrtg but I won't mind to change it if you could provide the same in return. Just to check apache, dns… from now to then.

Nagios and MRTG do different things; Nagios does alerting, MRTG does trending.


Is anyone running a Nagios instance on their linode that would be willing to monitor a few services on another linode? I can't really have it monitor itself :> I am only looking to check a few services on a fairly long interval.

Please send me PM (private message) if interested. I run Nagios and would be happy to monitor. I'm also pretty picky about keeping my Linode up with 99.9%+ availability, too.

Just let me know what IP and ports/protos/services to monitor, and how you want to be notified (email, pager email, whatever) and if you have any time of the day restrictions (e.g. email 24x7, pager ONLY during M-F 9-5a, etc).

Now, I cannot promise I will always provide this service – it's on a best effort basis, though I have no real plan to stop using Nagios any time soon. If that's acceptable, drop me a note.

Also, please set up a PGP / GPG key if you do not already have one and send the public key to me as a file attachment (or I can check a public key server if submitted to one), because I would never dream of sending user/pass info through unencrypted email. :)

Thanks, sent. I understand 'best-effort', if at some point you can no longer host it I'll make other arrangements.

FYI, here is a rudimentary IO TOKEN monitoring plugin for Nagios. It It is invoked as './check_iotokens WARN CRIT' where WARN and CRIT are percentages (w/o the %) below which it should alarm.

A NRPE config line that emits a warning below 25% and critical below 10% is:

command[check_iotokens]=/usr/nagios/libexec/check_tokens 25 10
TOKENS=`cut -d' ' -f 3 /proc/io_status|cut -d'=' -f 2`
MAX=`cut -d' ' -f 5 /proc/io_status|cut -d'=' -f 2`
PCT=`echo "scale=2;($TOKENS/$MAX)*100"|bc|cut -d. -f 1`

if [ $PCT -ge $WARNTOKENSPCT ]; then
    echo "IOTOKENS OK: ${PCT}% tokens remaining"
    exit 0
elif [ $PCT -lt $CRITTOKENSPCT ]; then
    echo "IOTOKENS WARNING: ${PCT}% tokens remaining"
    exit 2
elif [ $PCT -lt $WARNTOKENSPCT ]; then
    echo "IOTOKENS CRITICAL: ${PCT}% tokens remaining"
    exit 1
    echo "IOTOKENS UNKNOWN: Did not get value"
    exit 3

Note that using this plugin w/NRPE & dontblamenrpe=1

is dangerous as the inputs are not tested for validity.


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