Running "docker-compose up" Doesn't Complete

Linode Staff

When running "docker-compose up" it never completes, instead seeming to hang forever. Any idea what might be causing it, or how to fix it?

2 Replies

There could be a variety of reasons why this is the case. First and foremost, make sure that you're using the distro-supplied kernel on your Linode. Then, check the compatibility matrix to make certain docker's configured to use settings compatible with the OS on your Linode.

From there, double check your Docker configuration to see if there's something not quite working. A common easy fix for this problem is to add the following line in your Linode's /etc/hosts file: localunixsocket localunixsocket.local

I'm not sure if it will work in your particular case, but it may be worth a try.

Hello mjones. Thank you for the feed back. I updated my kernel per the link you provided.

I suspect that did have a positive effect, and I am now working on my daemon configuration using the information at I am receiving errors regarding the connection to the Docker Daemon on the my Host system.

I will get back to this tomorrow and let you now of my progress. I suspect a number of contributing issues so this might take me a little time. I hope you can comment further on my efforts.



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