Feature Request: Present IP addresses in Order added, not IP Range Order

Hi, when adding a new IP address to my Linode, it seems like the IP address showing up under Remote access, on the dashboard and even the order of IP addresses set in config files via Network Helper are all assigned according to IP RANGE ORDER, rather than ORDER ADDED to the server.

My request is that IP addresses be listed in ORDER ADDED, and also assigned to config files by Network Helper in ORDER ADDED.

Some reasons:
With Network Helper Enabled, it seems like Network Helper creates the config files in such a way that the IP address that is first in the IP range is assigned as the first IP in the config files and thus in some systems comes up as the Default IP for the system. Something like Virtualmin for example would require some work to use the change the auto detected Default IP (FIRST IN IP RANGE).

Its not a deal breaker or anything but a request.


1 Reply

Thanks for that suggestion! While sorting by range is the intended behavior, I can certainly see how additional sorting options would be helpful both for visually organizing the data within the Linode Manager and programmatically adding addresses through Network Helper. I've passed this along to our team for further consideration.

In case you weren't aware, we've released our new Cloud manager (cloud.linode.com) several months ago. While your specific request hasn't made it into here yet, I recommend giving it a spin. If you have any feedback for the Cloud Manager, email feedback@linode.com and the teams responsible for developing and polishing up this new manager will take a look!


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