How do I delete a tag in the new linode interface?

Creating tags, applying and removing them from server is simple.
But how one can delete tags from the tag list itself?

5 Replies

Currently, there isn't a way to remove tags from the tags list. As this could be very useful for someone who uses many new tags regularly, I have submitted a feature request to our dev team.

Linode Staff

Hey @nonius, while we look into improving tag management via Cloud Manager, you can currently delete tags from the list with the API or CLI.

With the CLI, you'd just run this command:

linode-cli tags delete $yourtag

@bbigger I don't see that option. I installed the linode CLI on Fedora Linux and it gives me these executables:


None of them seem to support that command.

Hey @devhen, it looks like you're using a deprecated version of the Linode CLI. Make sure you've installed the current version.

Given that, I did have a typo in the above command (I had typed tag instead of tags) which I just fixed. Thanks!

Thank you @bbigger that worked.

So it appears that the version in the Fedora repos for the latest Fedora release is the deprecated version. Hopefully the new version makes its way into the repos. I removed it and installed with pip instead.



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