How do I update only the security updates?

Linode Staff

I have a lot of updates to make on my Linode. Someone suggested I start by only applying the security updates, check that all is well before applying the regular updates.

Is there a specific command for that other than

  apt-get update
  apt-get upgrade

1 Reply

Hey there,

There is a way for Ubuntu based distributions to install just the security updates. You can use the unattended-upgrades command. Most distribution already have this but you may need to run this command first to install the package.

 sudo apt-get install unattended-upgrades

Then you can do a dry run this will simulate the upgrade. The -d will run it in debug mode.

 sudo unattended-upgrade -d --dry-run

If there's security updates that need to be installed then you can run this command.

 sudo unattended-upgrade

You can also configure this to run automatically and configure which packages are installed by their importance.

If you haven't updated your Linode in a long time and have a lot of updates. You want to consider making a manual snapshot of your Linode using Backups.


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