I already have email setup for one domain, do I setup DNS to send mail using the same server for another?

Linode Staff

I already have my DNS records setup for domain1.com. When I use my mail server to handle mail for domain2.com, the mail I send gets rejected by a lot of recipients.

My email server is mail.domain1.com.

mail A
mail AAAA 2001:db8::2:16

My SPF record for domain1.com looks like:

@ TXT "v=spf1 IP4: IP6:2001:db8::2:16 -all"

My MX record is configured as follows:

@ MX 10 mail.domain1.com.

When I telnet mail.domain1.com 25 and type EHLO, My email server's SMTP banner says:

220 mail.domain1.com ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu)

If I dig -x I get: 86400 IN PTR mail.domain1.com.

If I dig -x 2001:db8::2:16 I get: 86400 IN PTR mail.domain1.com.

1 Reply

Your DNS Records for domain2.com would look like:

Example DNS Settings for domain2.com

domain2.com   MX    10    mail.domain1.com.
@             TXT         "v=spf1 IP4: IP6:2001:db8::2:16 -all"
mail          A 
mail          AAAA        2001:db8::2:16


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