RDNS problem

Is anyone else noticing RDNS issues? I've seen some mail reject today, the recieving servers claim I have no RDNS configured (which I do, its been working fine for months)…

I did a little digging, and I can't get any of theplanets DNS servers to talk to me about the RDNS of my IP. I'm not a DNS expert, but that sounds bad to me?

I've submitted a ticket, but thought I'd ask here to see if anyone else is having the same problem.

4 Replies

Fixed. Someone entered a syntax error into their rdns config, which made named skip loading that zone.

I've logged a bug to make that impossible in the future.



Any idea the timeframe during which the RDNS was busted?

Not long, the first problem I noticed was at 12:44 GMT, I succesfully flushed the last of the held mail in my quete at 17:25 GMT.

Things probably started earlier though, I only had any real problems with AOL, who's users I tend to try and avoid mailing. Everyone else seemed to be happy to use cached DNS records.

From what it says in my support ticket, I suspect this only affected people on the subnet.


From what it says in my support ticket, I suspect this only affected people on the subnet.
Correct. I'm unable to tell you when this exactly happened, but I suspect it wasn't too long, since Dan was kind enough to inform us and it was resolved quickly.



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