Point to another nameserver for the default record

I am being asked to have 'mydomain.com' and 'www.mydomain.com' be resolved by a non-linode, special nameserver. So far I have gotten some results doing the following:

  1. Removing the A records for those domains from the Linode DNS Manager
  2. Adding the non-Linode name servers as NS Records with the sub domain 'www'

So far this allows 'www.mydomain.com' to work as expected, but I cannot get 'mydomain.com' to do the same. I tried adding a wildcard CNAME( IE: * www.mydomain.com ) to try to for it to behave like the 'www' domain, but that did not work.

Do you have any idea how I can resolve the default record on the non-Linode nameserver?

1 Reply

Hey there,

You should be able to create a wildcard CNAME record pointing to www.mydomain.com. I think the error is in the wildcard domain you entered preciously, it should be *.mydomain.com, and that would pick up all variations of the domain (example.mydomain.com)and point it to www.mydomain.com.


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