Remove reverse DNS settings

Linode Staff

I want to remove my current rDNS settings for my Linode. How do I do this?

2 Replies

From our Cloud Manager interface, you can reset this using the following steps:

From the "Networking" tab, click the 3 dots to the right of your server's IP address and select "Edit RDNS".
From the tab that opens, make sure that the box entry is empty and select "Save".

From our Classic Manager interface, you can reset this using the following steps:

From the "Remote Access" tab, select the "Reverse DNS" link.
From the next page, click the "Reset" link.
You'll see a confirmation page, which you'll go ahead and select "Yes".

Please note that changes to DNS records can take up to 24 hours to propagate but I've seen this done in less time.

I'm running Bind via a cPanel installation. If I reset rDNS, will I become the authorative server? Have been wanting to get off Linode's rDNS for a while but don't want to break resolution.


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