Has anyone used Coin Payments on their website to accept payment?

I'm looking into payment providers and by far the best one I have found so far is Coin Payments. I was wondering if anyone had used them on their website to accept payments or not? I notice they also support fiat currencies which makes things simpler for me as I can choose between cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies.

1 Reply

Hey there,

I haven't used this service on any personal builds, but was able to learn quite a lot about the service offerings and critical considerations using the following reviews and resources:

A Comprehensive Coinpayments Review
CoinPayments Review: Crypto Payment Processor Guide
The Ultimate CoinPayments Review
Coinpayments Review – Is Safe To Use?

On June 5th, 2017 a Ripple theft occurred on the CoinPayments platform due to an error that allowed a few users to withdraw excessive XRP from hot wallet XRP accounts. It appears that account credits were fully restored to the affected customers within 6 months and the reviews can offer some insight into public perceptions of current security on the platform.

We hope that helps!

Tara T
Linode Support Team


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