Very high First Byte Time

I tried to optimize my WordPress website (WordPress 5.2.2 and Avada theme), which bothered me with a very high "First Byte Time". tells me that First Byte is 0.987s.
I am not sure it is a server problem or a problem with my website. Does anyone have any experience to solve the problem?
My website is:
If there is any help, I will be very grateful.

1 Reply

I ran a couple tests on other websites, and I'm seeing a variety of responses when it comes to speed:

These tests also provide a variety of steps you can take to address performance. One thing I noticed was that some of the tests pointed out redirects, but also that the speed would vary based on my location in relation to where the test was being run from. If you're targeting a certain geographic location, Linode can migrate your Linode to a data center closer to your targeted audience. Just open a Support ticket, and we'll be happy to assist.

Caveats to keep in mind if you'd like to migrate to a new data center:

  • Your IP addresses will change.
  • Your server will need to be turned off during the migration process.
  • It can take 10-15 minutes per GB of data to complete the migration.
  • You will have a window of 24 hours to manually initiate this migration. After that window is up, your Linode will be automatically powered down and migrated by our system.
  • Any existing backups for a Linode will be purged and will not be recoverable after you initiate the migration
  • Attached block storage volumes will not be migrated with the Linode. The volume will be automatically detached from the Linode upon migration.


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