How can I get IP address to connect (Remote Desktop)

How can I get IP address to connect my laptop

1 Reply

If you need an IP address, you are also going to need a Linode associated with it. If you are just looking for an address to use as a simple proxy I would recommend going with the $5 Nanode plan. And we have this guide which runs through all the initial steps to get your first Linode deployed and running. Regardless of how you are using it I would also recommend making sure you have your Linode secured.

Once you have your Linode deployed, if you want to use it as a proxy for your web traffic I would recommend using a simple SSH tunnel. I personally like to use Firefox for this method but you can use your preferred browser with some modifications.

The first step is to open up Firefox and go into
Preferences → General → Network Settings

From there select "Manual Proxy Configuration" and click the "Socks v5" option.

For "Socks Host" put in localhost and for "port" use 8080 and click Apply.

Next you are going to establish a SSH tunnel. From your local computer run the command:

ssh user@IP -D 8080 -C -N &

You can read a quick break down of what each of these options means here. Once you hit enter it will drop you back into the terminal. And you've just set up an SSH tunnel! You can verify that it's working by just searching "what's my IP" in Firefox. (Note that since only Firefox is using the SSH tunnel any other browsers or applications will still use your home ISP)

If you are interested in something that covers more than just simple web browsing you can take a look at our Guides on Virtual Private Networks. Or, if you want to use your Linode as a true Remote Desktop we have a couple of guides on those too.


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