What's the use of SSH keys added from the Linode dashboard

On a Linode > Rebuild, there is a section to add SSH keys, also from My Profile > SSH Keys, but it seems the keys there have nothing to do with the servers, since those keys are not associated with any users in the server so can't be used to login into a server (for that I still need to ssh-copy-id to the server with an existing user).

So, what is the use of the SSH key management in the Linode dashboard?


1 Reply

When you deploy a Linode using an SSH key uploaded to the Cloud Manager, this key is added to the root user to allow for easier root management of your Linode. I use this feature quite frequently via the authorized users flag in the Linode CLI.

However, I completely understand the use case to be able to deploy a Linode with limited users (with SSH keys) directly from the Cloud Manager. I've passed this suggestion along to the team to consider while we work to improve the new Manager.


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