Having issue connection Domain name to WP site

Hi hoping someone can help me to what I did wrong.

In my Linode account, I used the one click apps to build a WP site.

In GoDaddy I have my domain name registered and DNS is pointing to linode.com (NS1 through NS5). Note: when you point DNS away from GoDaddy the ability to configure A record is disabled.

After the install completed I was able to get into WP admin panel using IP address. (http://xx.xx.xxx.xxx)

I went into General settings and changed site name and URL from the IP address. As soon as I hit save I lost the ability to access the site. Trying to access it using my domain name takes me to Apache HTTP Server test page.

I called Linode support and they were able to confirm that everything appears to be set correctly. They can ping everything, but that is as as far as he can help me. Domain name is setup in Linode account.

What am I missing?

2 Replies

In GoDaddy I have my domain name registered and DNS is pointing to linode.com (NS1 through NS5). Note: when you point DNS away from GoDaddy the ability to configure A record is disabled.

Have you setup an A record in your Linode Manager to point to your Linode's WP one-click IP address yet? If so, I'd confirm that your domain is pointing to the correct IP using dig or https://www.whatsmydns.net.

dig +short <yourdomain.com>

I went into General settings and changed site name and URL from the IP address. As soon as I hit save I lost the ability to access the site. Trying to access it using my domain name takes me to Apache HTTP Server test page.

This leads me to believe that your domain is maybe pointing to a different IP than your WP one-click Linode.

@jcardillo you hit the nail on the head. I did have the DNS and IPV6 pointing to the wrong instance. I corrected it several hours ago but site still is not coming up for me. Dig shows everything appears correct now. I am hoping all it is it's just taking a long time to propagate.

Thank you for the assist.


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