port forwarding

is it possible to open some ports for my rented server?

2 Replies

Hi there,

Yes you can. We don't block any ports when Linodes are created. This means that any software you install would be able to listen via any port you need.

However, if you let us know what specifically you are trying to achieve, we'll be in a better position to try to point you in the right direction.

I wanted to clarify something that's somewhat out of date since the last comment on this post. While we do keep almost all ports open, all accounts that were created after November 5, 2019, will have mail/SMTP ports blocked by default. This means ports 25, 465, and 587. This is done as a means to help fight spam originating from our platform.

We're working on ways to empower customers to remove these filters on their own, and for more transparency about this policy. Until then, the best way to get the restrictions lifted from your account and your Linodes is to open up a Support ticket.


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