Using Extra Volume in Linode

We are running e-commerce website on Linode (linode14433787). We have experienced that when our application cache size increased which gets saved on server(Linode), the CPU Usage increases drastically which makes our website very very slow.

We assumed that it is because the cache folder on Linode becomes huge and storage capacity of Linode runs out, which causes increase in CPU usage as well some how.

We added extra volume of 250 GiB to make sure it doesn't happen in future but i am not sure how we can utilise this extra volume in our Linode as a primary storage block.

So can you please assist/answer me on:

  1. Will adding extra volume beneficial in our case?
  2. How to use extra volume in Linode as part of primary storage?

Thanking you,

1 Reply

Adding a storage volume would help if you are running into disk space issues for your server. If your site's application cache folder is filling up, you could have the application cache folder configured on the block storage volume instead of your server's primary disk.

However, since your website depends on this cache folder, you may see some performance issues for your site, as the performance of a block storage volume isn't as fast as the local SSD of your Linode.

If you are going to give this a try, I suggest having the storage volume automatically mounted whenever your server is booted. That way, you won't have to manually do this each time your server is booted. To do so, you can assign the storage volume to one of your server's block assignment (/dev/sdc,/dev/sdd,/dev/sde) and also configure a mounting point entry in your server's "/etc/fstab" file.

Editing A Configuration Profiel

Here's an example of my personal server's "/etc/fstab" file where my storage volume is automatically mounted during my server's boot process.

/dev/sdc       /mnt/ayah      ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       1

So if I had your situation, I would configure the application cache folder to save files under the "/mnt/ayah/" directory.


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