I want to redirect a domain in DNS to aother linode

I want to redirect a domain in DNS from the first linode to a new second linode - I changed the IP what else do I do?

1 Reply

Hey there,

If you are looking to change your DNS records to point to a new Linode to update records, you'll want to make sure that your DNS Manager has all of it's records pointing at the updated IP address and is still using our nameservers.

If you're looking to set up a redirect to a new site destination on a different Linode using a 301 redirect, this Community Post Answer does a great job of discussing serving 301 and 302 redirects from your web server. Our Linode Docs repository has a guide for how to do this with Apache:

Redirect URLs with the Apache Web Server

NGINX also has a writeup for how to do this in their official docs. Specifically, you can use the return directive to accomplish this:

Creating NGINX Rewrite Rules

We hope that helps, but let us know if we can offer more guidance.

-Tara, Linode Support Team


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