Want to migrate a cPanel WHM server from AWS 16.04 ubuntu EC2 server to Linode.

Want to migrate a cPanel WHM server from AWS 16.04 ubuntu EC2 server to Linode.

Is this possible and if so what are some steps I'd have to do? As well as scalability, if I wanted to change from a 4core node can I simply stop the node and change it to an 8 core, or would I just have to add a node balancer on it?

Just trying to get some more info on it is all, Steve at GN talks super high of you, and if he trusts you and uses you guys, I'll do it too.

2 Replies

Hey there,

I'm happy to point you in the right direction. You can migrate your WHM/cPanel to our platform. You will need the root password of your Linode instance before you can get started, then you should be good to go. I added a few links explaining how to migrate over to us.

How to Copy an Account with SSH Keys

cPanel/WHM migrations

Resizing your Linode is pretty easy, that's the advantage to being in a virtualized environment. You will need to shut down the Linode, resize it, and boot. I added a guide below explaining how, for your reference.

Resizing a Linode

If you run into any problems when trying to migrate over, feel free to open a Support Ticket and we'll see how we can help.

So happy to hear these comments ASilverman!

I’m stoked to be in great hands, great support as well as have these options and be able to pretty much plug and play(of sorts).


I’ll be joining the linode community shortly!


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