Server update guidelines


I want to do a server update, but it seems better to start setting up a new server than updating an existing one.
There is one little site and one Forum (Invision Power Services) on the server right now with about 1M posts, just over 42 GB of used ssd storage for all (not just the Forum database).

It would mean a lot to me if I had guidance on how best to do it … you know … something eg.

  1. Buy a new Linode with enough technical capacity
  2. install LAMP on that new server
  3. copy this from the old server, do that…
  4. check all settings on the old server

…I wouldn't want to miss an important step.
Is it even possible to write some guidelines like this…what to do first, what second…
I don't mean specific commands, but generally speaking which order is best to go to.

2 Replies

Hi there,

You are not alone in this sentiment. When it comes to system upgrades, we also recommend starting out with a new Linode with the desired distro version. This is because sometimes in-line upgrades can have unpredictable results.

If you are looking for some guides to use as reference, we actually have a whole section on system upgrades in our docs:

I hope this helps.

Yes, it helps, thank you :)


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