Mixing Object Storage and a build server

So my situation is that I will have an app(game engine editor) where users can write code in a specific language(haxe) and I want to serve the app statically but let the users build their code through a build server and when the build server is done modify the js file locally on the users cache/browser instance.

For the object storage everything looks pretty straightforward.


My question is more how/what components would I use to make the build server ?


The second question would be, can we modify/inject data back into the users local version after the js file has been built on the server ?

1 Reply

Object storage

I'm having a bit of a hard time understanding how object storage fits into your vision here, would the static app be getting updates through the build server? Object storage is indeed able to host static webpages and software but it is not necessarily recommended for things that need to be updated frequently.

How do I make a build server?

Here are a few relevant threads on stackoverflow about build servers
How do I set up a build server cheap
How do I create and manage a build server

Both of them have mentions of using Teamcity which might be a good place to start.

Can we modify the js file locally?

I'm not particularly well versed in js, but this looks like a relevant thread that might be helpful

I hope these resources can help point you in the right direction, for more specific guidance I think some more details on your specific setup would probably get you some more answers from community members.


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