Can we get linode to use Tether(USDT) or another crypto?

It would amazing if linode used tether or known as USDT. You could just add it in your account and they just take it out like normal.

4 Replies

I did some digging through our internal ideas tracker, and I do believe you're the first person to make a request to pay with Tether.

I can't make any promises, but I want you to know that I've added your request for review. Thanks for the idea. :)

Another could be USDC, that's supported on Coinbase and some other platforms, also.

Brian points out that we haven't received a request for Tether before, but we have received requests for other crypto currencies. We take feedback like this from customers and track it to help inform future decisions, so I wanted to thank you for bringing this up.

In the meantime, BitLaunch does accept the most popular crypto currencies, and you can spin up Linode servers through them.

Any updates on this?


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