How do upgrade Ubuntu when at end of life?

I am getting this message when I login to my ubuntu server.

Your Ubuntu release is not supported anymore.
For upgrade information, please visit:

New release '19.10' available.
Run 'do-release-upgrade' to upgrade to it.

I have tried to use webish to upgrade but cannot seem to upgrade.

I get this when I try to do-release-upgrade

Please install all available updates for your release before upgrading.

6 Replies

Please install all available updates for your release before upgrading.

Have you installed all outstanding updates with “apt update && apt dist-upgrade” followed by a reboot, then trying the do-release-upgrade again?

The below Community Questions post is a great resource for upgrading your Linode to a newer distribution release.

Some things to keep in mind:

  • ALWAYS backup your data before making any changes.
  • It's best to create a new Linode in order to make sure everything works well on the newly deployed one first.
  • You can swap IPv4 addresses between between both Linode. This way you can keep your IP address.
  • Secure the new server.
  • Delete the old Linode to stop being billed for it, once you confirm everything is working as expected.

Additional Resources

Hope this helps!

Thank you for the comments. One more question with regard to this. Is it a bad thing to stay on Ubuntu 19.0.4? I'm concerned about security more than anything. Do security updates still get delivered on an end of life version of Ubuntu?

Do security updates still get delivered on an end of life version of Ubuntu?

In a word, no.

The “interim” releases (those released between LTS releases, such as 19.04) are only supported for 9 months.

If you are concerned about long-term security support, upgrade to 19.10 now, then 20.04 LTS when it’s released and stay on that. You can then either upgrade between LTS releases every 2 years (22.04, 24.04 etc.) or stay on 20.04 for up to 5 years as it’ll still get maintenance updates until 2025.

Keep in mind that Ubuntu 20.04 (which is supported for 5 years) comes out at the end of the month.

@rdaniels, if I go the route of creating a new linode with the operating system I want on it, how do I get the files from my old one to the new one and how do I know what files I need to move? I'm using my linode as an apache webserver and my static files are in /var/www/html and my webapps are in /var/www/webapps. I have virtual envs in /usr/local and apache configs in /etc/apache2. Are there additional files I need to be thinking about? Does this affect ssl certs?


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