stopping vms and billing

Is there a way to stop a Linode VM that minimizes costs without losing data and still being able to start up VM again? (i.e. only pay for storage and any reserved network resources when stopped but not cpu and memory).

4 Replies

Hi! I am not sure if there is a way to do this integrally on the manager. Though I did find out that you can just create a snapshot of your Linode to use later at no charge, images are limited to 6GB per image and 3 images per account. You can learn more about it here.

Alternatively, you may also enable backups for your Linode, then download a local copy before you are billed for the backup, there are instructions on how to do this here.
I hope I helped!

Ahmad Allouch

@NSA spyderweb provide some really great tips! Powering off a Linode will not stop billing. The best options for saving the data will be to make an image of your Linode or download a local backup. Below is an additional resource you can use as well.

@rdaniels, my apologies, I am not a part of the Linode Staff like you are but I don't think powering off a Linode will stop the billing :)

@spyderweb You are correct. There was a typo in my response and I've updated it for clarity.


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