Connect Xbox One to Minecraft Server ?

Is it possible to connect the stock standard Minccraft on Xbox One to a Linode Minecraft server ?

I've tried to find answers to this and I get very conflicting information. Some articles seem to suggest I need bedrock Edition but I dont believe this is available anymore ?, even if it was where do I get it from and how would I update Minecraft on my Xbox One to bedrock edition.

I see theres a "referal code" option under my Minecraft game, is that an option to use for connecting to a Minecraft server ?, if so where do I get said referal code from once I create the Minecraft server ?

Any help gratefully received.

2 Replies

Sorry meant "Invite Code" not referal code up above.

After doing a bit of digging into this, it looks like all current versions of Minecraft on Xbox One, (even the Xbox Insider Beta version) are utilizing the Bedrock update. The only exception to this would be if you previously owned the Xbox One Edition of Minecraft, which would mean you had purchased it around or before August 2017 as the update for Bedrock launch in September of that year.

If you do happen to own the XBO Edition of Minecraft, the video below may be helpful for you, though you might have to go through the second video I attached before everything works:

This other video is for getting your Xbox configured to workaround the absence of the server connection option. You should also check out, (and read throughly) our guide for One Click App installations of Minecraft on Linodes:

Hopefully this info gets everything working, or at least gets you closer to that. Good Luck!


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