Add GD and BC Math support to PHP on LAMP Stack One-Click App


I have created a Linode using the LAMP Stack One-Click App and I'm trying to turn on GD and BC Math support on the PHP install but am not sure how.

I tried uncommenting


in /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini

and restarting my server, but no luck on that front and google seems to suggest I need to recompile PHP with BC Math support?

Can anyone point me in the right direction?



4 Replies

@dutts I’m not familiar with the One Click apps; do you know what OS and version you’re running?

On Ubuntu 20.04, you’d just need to install the extensions’ packages:

sudo apt install php7.4-bcmath php7.4-gd

Other distributions and versions will vary; happy to look up others if you can tell me what your Linode is running.

@andysh Thanks for your reply, I'm running Debian 9. Would this still work for me?

Debian 9 won't have PHP 7.4 by default, but the following should give you the "current" PHP extensions available:

sudo apt install php-bcmath php-gd

If you're already logged in as root you won't need the sudo.

That worked, thank you so much @andysh


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