Right-size package? Help

Hi everyone!

I'm hoping for some guidance on the right linode pkg for my needs as I'm very much a hobbyist in this space.

The system's primary function would be to host a two game servers:

1) Assetto Corsa (AC) - server program runs natively in linux. It's currently on an AWS t2.micro instance (1 vcpu, 1GB RAM, Ubuntu) and at idle three individual servers consume <1% of cpu total. Loaded with players, one server will consume 25% to 30% of the cpu. My requirement here is to be able to run a single game server, not the three mentioned above.

2) Assetto Corsa Competizione (ACC) - server program is windows only, but runs under wine in Linux. On the same AWS instance above, at idle is was consuming 7% to 8% of the cpu. Adding clients to the mix resulted it in crashing the system after spiking cpu usage to over 80%. I need one of these to run.

Both of these server programs would need to run simultaneously. Odds are only one would be heavily loaded with clients at the same time, but system should be able to deal with both being loaded.

Given the nature of the games, stable network connections with low latency is important.

Hope that's enough info to give me some guidance.

Thanks in advance!

1 Reply

From the sound of things, a Dedicated Linode would work well for you, so you wouldn't share CPU with anyone, and wouldn't be a noisy neighbor to anyone else. You could try the 4GB dedicated linode plan, but I'd go with the 8GB plan if you want both programs to run at the same time, one running under Wine.

For the lowest latency, you could check the Speed Test page to determine where your internet trafic has the lowest latency and highest speed. That would tell you where best to put your Linode.

Hope that helps, and good luck!



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