stuck on loading

When i try to login it gets's stuck on the loading page, just showing the linode icon. Sometimes if I click around try different urls, press back etc. it will load the dashboard, takes ages. If I refresh to see changes, same problem again.
I've tried it with different browsers, OSes, using a VPN, makes no difference. Extremely frustrating anyone else got this issue? miss the old linode…

4 Replies

Hey there. I wanted to let you know that I'm looking into this for you to see if there was something going on around that time that would have caused slowness with the login site.

There were some login issues a few days ago on 8/17/20 (we reported it on our status page), but as of right now, there aren't reports from other folks experiencing similar issues today. I just tried logging in myself and it seemed to load up pretty quick on my end.

In the meantime, trying different browsers and the VPN were great ideas. Just out of curiosity (because I run into this myself sometimes while working off of my VPN), did you happen to check for any ISP-related issues? Thinking out loud: If your ISP is having connection trouble, it would affect the VPN as well. Apologies if you've already tried that - just want to make sure no stones are left unturned.

Another thought: If you haven't looked into them already, you could try Chrome DevTools or Firefox Developer Tools to help diagnose where the breakdown is originating from. The guides I just linked have instructions for installation and getting started.

I'll keep digging around and will follow up with anything I find.

"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 504 ()"
Yes could be ISP related.

Hey @amzsplit-andy - thanks for hanging in there. We checked our backend to see if our system was responsible for generating any 504 errors, and we couldn't find anything on our side.

Out of curiosity, are you still having issues with the login site now? We still haven't gotten reports from other customers citing timeout errors, and things are looking okay from my end. I tried replicating the issue on a couple different networks (including a VPN) and was unable to do so.

Just an additional idea: I know you said that you had tried multiple browsers earlier. Did you happen to clear out any browser cache along the way? Wondering if that would change the results you're seeing.

We'll keep monitoring, and if any new info comes to light I will make sure to follow up here.

Using Cloudflare WARP results in the infinite loading as well.
Had to disable WARP mode for it to load.


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