Store Offsite Backup (Clonezilla)?

The gooey web interface seems to cancel my actual 3.5GB image files after an hour or two. Smaller files are uploaded successfully to my Bucket. 5GB is the file size limit. Maybe I should try CLI? & should I enable TLS for security?

3 Replies

@fleamour I'm sorry to hear that you're having some trouble uploading a larger file. The 3.5 GB image is within the Cloud Manager limit of 5 GB, as you mentioned. So, you shouldn't have an issue with the size limit.

It's possible that your connection is timing out or that there may be congestion on your local traffic - depending on the time of day you are attempting to upload. It might be helpful to perform a diagnostic test on your network connectivity by using a utility like mtr or our speed test.

That being said, there are alternative ways to upload files to your Object Storage bucket. You can use the Linode CLI and follow these instructions to upload your TLS certificate, if you'd like. s3cmd and Cyberduck are two other upload options that you can choose from. The a major benefit of these two is that they have a multipart upload feature that automatically takes over if a file exceeds this limit during the uploading process.

I hope this information is helpful, and let the Community know if you have any additional questions!

Tried under Mint 20 & openSUSE Tumbleweed:

sudo linode-cli obj put /local/pathto/mydirectory bucketname:

Generated various keys through GUI manager but my OAuth token isn't authorized to create Object Storage keys.

"To fix this, please generate a new token at this URL:

Be sure to select 'Read/Write' for Object Storage and 'Read Only'
for Account during token generation (as well as any other access
you want the Linode CLI to have)."

Once you've generated a new token, you can use it with the
Linode CLI by running this command and entering it:

sudo linode-cli configure:

"Could not contact - Error: 401
That token didn't work: Invalid Token"

No matter the the token created or how, I am unable to use CLI. To be fair, image backup is probably not in the spirit of bucket use, at least a firm no from you?

If I understand you correctly, you receive the 401 error when after configuring the CLI to use your updated OAuth token. This is unusual as this error message was something we used to see after upgrading to our new Cloud Manager. You can read more about that here.

You'll want to make sure that you're using the most up-to-date CLI version? You can check the version with the below command.

linode-cli --version

Which command did you use to configure the CLI to use the updated oAuth token?

linode-cli configure

Using the above command will output the following text:

Welcome to the Linode CLI. This will walk you through some
initial setup.

First, we need a Personal Access Token. To get one, please visit and click
"Create a Personal Access Token". The CLI needs access to everything
on your account to work correctly.

Personal Access Token:

Once you see that text, you will copy your API token and paste and enter it into you terminal. Make sure to save your token somewhere safe, like a secure note in a password generator app.

Let us know if these steps work for you!


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