How do I really know what this is going to cost me..

I like all the cost estimation but what good is it really. I have one idnode basic page.. Now i activate a second inode and it does not show that anything has changed… since you are providing more space for the second inode and another ip.. of course it has now exceeded my initial $5.00 per month cost but it shows no charge .. So what good is it to tell me what I initially set up will now cost as I decide what more i need… Heck I could run up a 900 dollar per month and would not know that till the bill comes in for exceeding my initial 100 bucks.. and so I only pay 800.. so again what is the value of telling me the estimate is $5.00 but I will pay anything over 100 at end of month… Maybe I just don't understand whey i don't get a new monthly estimate as I add more assets..

2 Replies

Billing is hourly. The cheapest plan is $5.00 a month which is how much that Linode would cost for the entire month.

So for example if you only run the Linode for an hour and then delete it, you're only charged for one hour. Even if the Linode is turned off, you're still charged the hourly rate.

The only overage charges would apply is if you went over your monthly bandwidth quota.

Edit: I also have backups, so I pay an extra $2 a month for one and $5.00 for another linode on a higher end plan. The backup pricing is mentioned in each plan.

@tommytx123 Lou is right. Linode's billing is hourly which means your $5/month Linode will cost $.0075/hr, but no more than $5 dollar for an entire month. Below are some helpful guides that may answer any other question you have.


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