apt update && apt upgrade stuck in connecting

please help me when i try to use

apt update && apt upgrade

it stuck connecting

0% [Connecting to mirrors.linode.com (2400:8901:1::8ba2:1ada)]

when i try to ping google.com it works

but when i ping mirrors.linode.com it stuck too

please help me

when i rebuild it to ubuntu 18 it works but when i rebuild it back to debian 9 it stuck again

1 Reply

Is IPv6 enabled correctly in Debian 9? If not, you can force apt(8) to use IPv4 only:


apt(8) may be trying to use an Ubuntu-only repository when run on Debian 9…or Ubuntu-only GPG keys on Debian 9. Check /etc/apt/sources.list & the files in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d to make sure everything is Debian-specific.

The only other thing I can think of is that your firewall on Debian 9 is blocking apt(8) by default. apt(8) uses ports 53 (dns) and 80 (http) to do it's job. It's unlikely your firewall is blocking port 53 but it might be blocking port 80.

-- sw


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