why my site always down?

hi, my site always down and I need to reboot to solve this situation. I reboot twice a day for this site down issue. why is this happened? can you help me? thank you so much!

2 Replies

I would suggest that the only person who can answer your question(s) is you. Your web server, PHP process manager, firewall, or Linode in general may each or all be misconfigured.

Who knows? You certainly haven't given enough information for anyone here to come to any meaningful conclusions…

-- sw

@irocwu Without more information, the Community won't be able to provide a more tailored response. We have an excellent post that can help you put together the information people will need to help you best.

That being said, if you are having to reboot multiple times a day, your Linode may be running out of memory resources. The most likely cause for this is a configuration that needs tuning. The post linked below can provide you with some additional information on how to troubleshoot an issue like this.


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