Question regarding updation of Marketplace apps.

I am going to deploy this app on linode:

But, at the bottom of this page it says:
Note: Currently, Linode does not manage software and systems updates for Marketplace Apps. It is up to the user to perform routine maintenance on software deployed in this fashion.

So, what software are they talking about?
Basically, what I wanna know is - If I deploy this app, will I get automatic WordPress updates in my dashboard or will I need to download WordPress zip file manually and upload it after every new version release?


2 Replies

So, what software are they talking about?
Basically, what I wanna know is - If I deploy this app, will I get automatic WordPress updates in my dashboard or will I need to download WordPress zip file manually and upload it after every new version release?

It means that Linode will only install your app. Linode will not update your app.

Once you install it, you are responsible for keeping it updated…however it is you do that.

-- sw

Basically, what I wanna know is - If I deploy this app, will I get automatic WordPress updates in my dashboard or will I need to download WordPress zip file manually and upload it after every new version release?

Generally speaking the marketplace apps are the same as what you’d get if you installed them yourself.

So if they offer a built-in mechanism for updating, like WordPress does, then you can use that to keep it up-to-date.

However this does NOT cover the operating system itself, so you’ll need to be comfortable logging in every now and then, updating the OS and occasionally rebooting, or you may fall victim to nasties taking advantage of your unpatched server.


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