Linode size , downgrade size

hi currently on Linode 4gb plan, plan to downgrade to basic 1gb plan.

i got shocked when i looked at my disk size as below.

5.0G /usr
2.1G /usr/local
2.1G /cyberpanel.swap
2.0G /usr/lib
1.3G /var
1020M /snap
888M /usr/local/CyberCP
675M /var/lib
627M /root
579M /usr/local/cyberpanel

is this normal ?
haven't even start logging into WordPress yet, lol.

Running cyberpanel , dont intent to use this anyway. \
question is why the USR directory taking so much space?
5.0G /usr
2.1G /usr/local

the rest is temp file, is there guide to delete all the temp files ?


2 Replies

Current Disk usage : 9/79GB (13%).

Since no one but you can see inside your Linode, I have no idea what's on it (and please don't post ls(1) output!).

Running cyberpanel , dont intent to use this anyway. \

Since you state you don't intend to use CyberPanel, IMHO, that should be the first sacrifice to the god of free disc space.

the rest is temp file, is there guide to delete all the temp files ?

Try rm(1)…you say you know the files in question are temp files…

-- sw


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